Are we overdosing every day on caffeine?

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Caffeine is an active ingredient in some of the world’s favourite drinks and has a powerful effect on humans. What happens if you take too much?

It is there naturally in your morning coffee and cup of tea or added to your favourite energy drink and many popular soft drinks. For many of us, a slug of caffeine can give our bodies and brains a much needed boost if we are feeling a little sluggish.
But recently, a brand of lemonade on sale in the US was discontinued amid accusations its caffeine content was dangerously high, despite reportedly being within the country’s recommended daily intake of caffeine for adults. It has raised questions about just how much caffeine is too much, and does it matter where we get it from?
While there’s a vast number of studies showing that some caffeinated drinks have health benefits, there’s still some uncertainty around how we should be consuming it.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!