Biden on SCOTUS immunity ruling; “I Dissent”

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President Joe Biden called the Supreme Court decision Monday providing some immunity for Donald Trump in his criminal election interference case “a terrible disservice to the people of this nation.”

“This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. Each, each of us is equal before the law. No one, no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States. [With] today’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed for all practical purposes,” Biden said.

Biden said the decision means there are now “virtually no limits on what the president can do,” a sentiment that echoed the dissents written by the liberal justices on the court.”I dissent,” Biden said in concluding his brief remarks from the White House.

Given the nature of the decision, the immunity described in Trump’s case is applicable to Biden and other future occupants of the Oval Office.

“The presidency is the most powerful office in the world. It’s an office that not only tests your judgment; perhaps even more importantly, it’s an office that can test your character. Because you not only face moments where you need the courage to exercise the full power of the presidency,” Biden said. “You also face moments where you need the wisdom to respect the limits of the power of the office of the presidency.”

Biden also said the decision will delay starting a trial in the case before the election, which he said will deny voters a settling of the charges against Trump.

“The American people deserve to have an answer in the courts before the upcoming election,” Biden said. “The public has a right to know the answer about what happened on Jan. 6 before they are asked to vote again this year.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!