Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

GOP At Odds On How To Replace Obamacare

WASHINGTON — Republicans are united on repealing President Barack Obama’s health care law, but ideologically and practically speaking, they’re in different camps over replacing it. Getting the factions together won’t be easy. Some Republicans would revise and rebrand “Obamacare,” junking unpopular provisions like its requirement that most Americans carry health insurance, while preserving more popular […]

Mark Wilson, Getty Images

City Employees Face Felony Charges In Flint Water Crisis

Michigan’s attorney general has announced felony charges against two former emergency managers of Flint, Mich., and two other former city officials. The charges are linked to the city’s disastrous decision to switch water sources, ultimately resulting in widespread and dangerous lead contamination. “All too prevalent in this Flint Water Investigation was a priority on balance […]

Huffington Post

Obama Says ObamaCare Had Biggest Day Ever

WASHINGTON ― While the Affordable Care Act faces a looming repeal by President-elect Donald Trump and the GOP-led Congress next year, its health insurance exchanges had a record day on Thursday. More than 670,000 people selected health insurance plans via the federally run exchange marketplaces, which serve people in 39 states through, President Barack Obama […]

Rebecca Cook/Reuters

House GOP Shuts Door On Flint Water Investigation

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans quietly closed a year-long investigation into Flint, Michigan’s crisis over lead in its drinking water, faulting both state officials and the Environmental Protection Agency for contamination that has affected nearly 100,000 residents. In letters to fellow Republicans, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Friday that Michigan […]


Top Republicans Unveil Plan To Drastically Cut Social Security And Medicare

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump distinguished himself on the campaign trail as the rare Republican candidate promising not to cut Social Security and Medicare. But Republicans in Congress have other plans for the two popular social insurance programs ― and they are wasting no time rolling them out. Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Texas), chairman of the House […]


Trump Says He Will Lower Drug Prices

President-elect Donald Trump promised to drive down the cost of medicines, defying investors who saw a boon in his election last month and injecting himself again into a contentious economic debate. “I’m going to bring down drug prices,” Trump said, according to a transcript of an interview posted on Time magazine’s website as it named him its […]