$100K Reward Offered In Manhunt For Coward Who Shot 2 LA Deputies

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A $100,000 reward was offered Sunday in the hunt for a gunman who brazenly walked up to a parked patrol SUV and shot two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies multiple times in what officials described as an ambush-style attack.

Both sheriff’s deputies were initially “fighting for their lives” at St. Francis Medical Center in Los Angeles following the Saturday night shooting outside a Metro train station in Compton. On Sunday, a senior Los Angeles County sheriff’s official told ABC News the deputies are expected to survive.

“That was a cowardly act,” Sheriff Alex Villanueva said during a news conference on Saturday night. “The two deputies were doing their job, minding their own business, watching out for the safety of the people on the train. To see somebody just walk up and start shooting on them. It pisses me off. It dismays me at the same time. There’s no pretty way to say it.”

One of the wounded law enforcement officers, a 31-year-old mother of a 6-year-old boy, was shot in the jaw and arms and is listed in critical but stable condition, according to the senior sheriff’s officials.

Her 24-year-old partner suffered gunshot wounds to his forehead, arms and a hand, but was alert, the official said.

Read more at abcnews.com


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!