Body clock blues? Time change is tough. Here’s how to sleep well tonight

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You’re probably dreading that hour of lost sleep as we “spring forward” for the start of daylight saving time on Sunday, March 13.

And for good reason. The evidence has piled up. We all need good sleep. And our bodies crave regular routine. Without it, we set ourselves up for increased risk of anxiety, depression, weight gain, even dementia.

Our bodies are exquisite timekeepers. Yet as a society — given our 24/7 culture — lots of us foolishly override our internal body clocks.

So if you’re trying to adjust to the time change or are just ready to change your habits overall, what can you do?

It turns out, nighttime rituals can take you only so far. Getting good sleep is very much dependent on your daytime routines, beginning the moment you wake up.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!