Border Patrol agents do not trust Kamala

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Border Patrol agents expressed more distrust of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris than President Joe Biden and said they will not vote for her in November in interviews with the Washington Examiner.

None of the more than a dozen Border Patrol agents questioned by the Washington Examiner said they would cast a ballot for Harris because they do not view her as supportive of the organization and its congressionally mandated mission.

“I would never vote for her,” the first agent said.

“These past four years have been a nightmare for the patrol, and it would be another four years of the same — and probably worse than Biden, honestly,” a second agent said.

Agents are not allowed to speak with the media, and those who spoke with the Washington Examiner did so on the condition of anonymity. The agents ranged from rank-and-file members to supervisors to the upper echelon of management.

Their reasons for bucking Harris ranged from viewing her as a radical to her lack of engagement with personnel to personal and religious beliefs. However, all agreed that a Harris administration would render the United States worse off from a security standpoint than it is now.

Several agents who will be or already are eligible for retirement are already discussing early retirement and whether staying on the job would be worthwhile if Harris is elected this fall.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!