ICE says over 13,000 murderers crossed border

The Department of Homeland Security confirmed today that under the immigration policies of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, there are over 13,000 convicted illegal immigrant murderers roaming the United States free, along with another 15,000 illegal immigrants convicted of sexual assault. If anything these numbers underestimate the size of the violently criminal […]

New trend called ‘Chroming’ is killing kids

For the younger generation, “chroming” is the new huffing. The dangerous practice is a means of getting high via inhaling hydrocarbons by misusing a variety of legal products, including permanent markers, aerosol deodorant, nail polish, metallic paint, computer duster, carburetor cleaner, paint thinners, gasoline and hair spray, said Dr. Anthony Pizon, professor of emergency medicine […]

Will migrants get ‘Mass Amnesty’ from Kamala?

Vice President Kamala Harris has proved capable of implicitly but unconvincingly reversing herself on many issues, including immigration, since she became the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, which is why her decision not to repudiate her 2019 mass amnesty plan is so alarming. In 2019, Harris distinguished herself from the 2020 Democratic primary field by promising […]

Democrats don’t care if ‘non-citizens’ vote

A sizeable number of Democrats have downplayed concerns over non-citizens voting, while more states find thousands of them registered to vote ahead of the November presidential election. As Republicans have attempted to pass a bill through Congress ensuring that only U.S. citizens vote in federal elections, Democrats have pushed back, claiming that non-citizens are already […]

US deploys warships to intercept Russian & Chinese flotilla

A Russian-Chinese flotilla sailed toward the Northern Pacific Ocean on Monday while the United States deployed two warships for homeland defense operations to protect Alaska. According to the Japanese Defense Ministry, a total of nine Russian and Chinese warships transited the La Perouse Strait, a designated international waterway known as the Soya Strait, eastward from […]