Congress returns to session; Trump looms large

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House Republicans say they’ll return Monday fresh off a week of infighting that paralyzed the lower chamber, but they’ll have a renewed focus on this: to discredit the inquiry that led to former President Donald Trump’s historic indictment on 37 counts as well as Trump’s political enemies.

House Republicans had launched aggressive investigations into President Biden, his family and his administration soon after they took control of the chamber in January.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who was elected to the post with Trump’s support after 15 contentious rounds of votes, said Saturday that House Republicans will get to the bottom of the investigation into Trump.

“Biden’s weaponization of the federal government is going to disrupt our nation, because it goes against our core belief in equal justice under the law,” he tweeted. “House Republicans will not stand for it.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!