Has Kamala’s campaign reached it’s peak?

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Pollster Frank Luntz said Wednesday on CNN that Vice President Kamala Harris’ honeymoon phase “looks like it has reached its peak,” as she now holds an estimated three-point lead.

After becoming the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, major swing state-polls between Harris and former President Donald Trump began to tighten. While on “CNN News Central,” Luntz emphasized the importance of swing states before stating that Trump has “missed the mark” on discussing issues voters “care about.”

Luntz continued to state, however, despite the “boomlet” the Harris campaign has had within the polls, he warned she now has the same “advantage” former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had before Trump beat her in 2016.

“But again, I have to give you one caveat and then I‘ll be quiet. He‘s actually stopped falling. Even though they had a pretty strong convention last week, it looks like the Harris boomlet has reached its peak — with her having roughly a three point advantage,” Luntz said. “I remind you that that was the advantage that Hillary Clinton had over Donald Trump on Election Day 2016 and he still beat her in the electoral college. This election is way too close to call.”

Read more at Westernjournal.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!