Hillary Visits As Bill Clinton Remains Hospitalized With Infection

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Former President Bill Clinton will remain in the hospital for another night to receive antibiotics and is expected to be discharged Sunday, according to his spokesperson.

“President Clinton has continued to make excellent progress over the last 24 hours,” Angel Ureña, Clinton’s spokesman, wrote in a tweet. “He will remain overnight at UC Irvine Medical Center to continue to receive antibiotics before an expected discharge tomorrow.”

Ureña also noted that Clinton “is in great spirits and has been spending time with family, catching up with friends and watching college football.”

“He is deeply grateful for the excellent care he continues to receive and thankful to the many well-wishers who have sent kind words to him and his family,” Ureña added. “He’s looking forward to getting home very soon.”

Read more at foxnews.com


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!