Hunter to US; ‘It’s not corruption, It’s addiction’

Saquan Stimpson - CNP
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Sure, Hunter Biden sold himself to foreign companies in exchange for access to his father, the vice president of the United States.

Yes, he made millions from a Ukrainian gas company while his dad’s government portfolio included Ukraine, a flagrantly unethical arrangement that is still under investigation.

As an unregistered foreign agent, he shook down the Chinese for cash while threatening that “I’m sitting here with my father.”

Despite having no expertise, despite “My dog is smarter than Hunter,” as one executive said, oligarchs were happy to pay him for the opportunity to get Joe on the phone, or to stop by at dinner.

But don’t blame him. It was all the drugs!

So claims Hunter in a column that appeared Thursday in USA Today, titled “I fought to get sober. Political weaponization of my addiction hurts more than me.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!