Like Lauren Boebert, you are being watched in theaters too

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Surveillance cameras seem like they’re everywhere — probably because they are.

There are tens of millions of surveillance cameras in the United States alone, by some estimates, with some of the most populated cities in the country more heavily surveilled than others.

So it’s no surprise that security cams set up at a Denver, Colorado, theater captured GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert last week vaping and being fondled by her date during a performance of the “Beetlejuice” musical before the two were booted from the venue.

But it’s not just Boebert who could get caught on tape in an embarrassing situation.

CCTV cameras at theaters, retail stores, shopping malls, stadiums, other venues, and even traffic intersections across the country and beyond are watching you too.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!