Migrant influencer Moreno wanted by I.C.E.

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A migrant influencer who told his TikTok followers to invade and squat in U.S. homes is wanted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Leonel Moreno illegally entered the United States at Eagle Pass, Texas, in early 2022. After his arrival, he created a following on TikTok as a “migrant influencer.” As of this month, the content creator had more than 500,000 followers.

But after breaking Alternatives to Detention program rules, which permit the federal government to track migrants with ankle monitors, he is now wanted as an “absconder.”

Moreno made a controversial wave on TikTok after claiming he and his family earn $350 from the government each week. He’s also been seen yelling in front of a police car in Columbus, Ohio.

Moreno told his “fellow Venezuelans” to squat in American homes and also showed off items he said he purchased with U.S. food stamps. Moreno also flaunted a Social Security card on his TikTok page, and said he’s made $1,000 a day as a panhandler.

“I don’t like to work,” Moreno said in one video. “Boys, in the U.S. there are a million tricks, a million things to do.”

Read more at Newsweek.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!