NATO countries putting more nukes on standby

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NATO countries are discussing putting more nuclear weapons on standby amid the threat posed by Russia and China, the alliance’s secretary general said, according to The Telegraph.

Jens Stoltenberg outlined the plans in an interview in which he called for NATO members to show their nuclear arsenal to the world to send a strong message to their adversaries, according to the newspaper.

Vladimir Putin has used nuclear rhetoric since the start of his full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Russia and Belarus last week started the second stage of their tactical weapons nuclear drills, simulating the use of nuclear weaponry in Ukraine.

Threats by Kremlin propagandists have upped the tensions, but China also has a growing nuclear arsenal and following its meeting last week, the G7 criticized Beijing for supplying weapons technology to Moscow and opposed Chinese “militarization” in the Pacific.

Stoltenberg said NATO members were discussing taking missiles out of storage and placing them on standby, although he wouldn’t provide details on how many warheads should be operational and how many would be stored, adding: “We need to consult on these issues.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!