Christian Leaders Admonish Trump Tear Gassing Peaceful Protesters For Church Photo

WASHINGTON — Lawmakers and religious leaders — including the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington — voiced outrage after police used tear gas against peaceful protesters outside the White House before President Donald Trump’s photo-op at nearby St. John’s Episcopal Church on Monday evening. The Rev. Mariann Budde, bishop of the Washington diocese, said […]

Trump Mobilizes Military To Quell Protests In D.C.

President Trump on Monday said he would mobilize “all available federal resources, civilian and military” to clamp down on protests across the country, declaring himself the “president of law and order” as police aggressively dispersed protesters gathered outside the White House. Trump said he was dispatching the military across Washington, D.C., and urged governors nationwide […]


White House Refuses To Issue Economic Forecast

The White House will not release an updated round of economic projections this summer, breaking from precedent as the U.S. faces its deepest downturn since the Great Depression, two administration officials familiar with the decision confirmed to The Hill on Thursday. The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), the internal White House economic team, will not […]