Trump now leading Harris in 5 of 7 swing states

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Donald Trump is leading Kamala Harris in five of the seven key swing states which will prove vital in determining who wins the election, according to a poll.

A survey of likely voters in battleground states from AtlasIntel found that Trump is ahead in Michigan (50.6 percent to 47.2) and Pennsylvania (51 percent to 48.1).

AtlasIntel said the former president also has a “narrow” advantage in the toss-up states of Arizona (49.8 percent to 48.6), Georgia (49.6 percent to 49) and Wisconsin (49.7 percent to 48.2). Harris is leading in North Carolina (50.5 percent to 48.1) and Nevada (50.5 percent to 47.7).

AtlasIntel was named the most accurate polling group of the 2020 presidential election by 538. Trump would win the 2024 race with 290 Electoral College votes if the Republican wins all five battleground states he currently leads in their polling, with Harris on 248.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!