Will ‘The Big Guy’ get dragged into this Hunter Biden mess?

Pari Dukovic
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Hunter Biden has been making lots of headlines in recent weeks. The corporate media has finally decided to tell the truth about the corrupt behavior of America’s most problematic First Son, and they’re now reporting what most have known since October 2020. Hunter Biden is a corrupt man who has used his famous last name to sell American political access to wealthy foreigners from countries adversarial to the United States. This is a five-alarm fire of political corruption, and Americans deserve answers – as well as to know the extent of Joe Biden’s awareness of his son’s activities. Joe Biden once described Hunter as the “smartest man” he knew. Given the media firestorm on his doorstep today, he may be re-evaluating that opinion.

This new wave of coverage comes after liberal media outlets spent months battening down the hatches in a coordinated effort to protect the Biden family name from legitimate scrutiny. Recall how in October 2020 – just weeks before the 2020 election – the New York Post accurately reported that Hunter Biden had abandoned a laptop full of incriminating information about his foreign activities at a computer repair shop. Corporations like CNN and Twitter acted quickly, sowing doubt on the Post’s reporting, de-platforming the outlet from social media in a brazen act of censorship, and inevitably describing the very real scandal as “misinformation.”

Read more at the Dailywire.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!