1,000 migrants now arrive in NYC every day

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Alone in a new country with young children and no access to work, migrant mothers told CBS News they’re worried about the food available for their families in the New York City shelters.

Three migrant women living in the shelters, Angelica, Osranary and Michelle, were in agreement when asked about their thoughts on the food, saying it’s “not good.”

Osranary, who arrived about a month ago, said most of the food they’re given is pasta and salad, which isn’t always appropriate for young children.

Angelica, who arrived with her family in New York three months ago, said certain foods her infant needs and likes, such as instant cereal, aren’t available.

Right now, up to an estimated 1,000 migrants arrive in New York City every day. Officials say the shelter system is becoming overwhelmed and resources are running thin.

“Almost 100,000 migrants have arrived in the past year, and almost 60,000 of them are still in the shelter system,” said Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine.

Levine said taking care of those migrants is costing the city roughly $10 million every day.

Read more at CBSnews.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!