283 Law Enforcement Officers Shot, 44 Fatally So Far In 2020

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New statistics released by the national Fraternal Order of Police show 283 law enforcement officers were shot – 44 of whom were killed – so far this year.

The latest statistics represent the number of law enforcement officers shot nationwide from the beginning of the year to Nov. 30, 2020, said the FOP, the largest law enforcement union in the country.

“Attacks on law enforcement officers continue at a disturbing pace,” the organization wrote on its Instagram page about the latest figures. “Violence against our officers MUST be condemned by all… Enough Is Enough.”

The number of officers shot so far this year has climbed 7% year-over-year, with 264 officers shot from Jan 1-Nov. 30, 2019. It’s also a 28% increase compared to 2018, when 219 officers were shot in that time frame, the organization reported in an email.

By Nov. 30, 44 officers had been fatally wounded by gunfire in 2019, while 48 had been killed during that time frame in 2018, statistics show.

Read more at foxnews.com


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!