American support for Ukraine War is faltering

Evgeniy Maloletka/AP
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New polling data has found that the majority of Americans now oppose Congress sending more support for Ukraine. As of mid-July, the US has sent the country upwards of $75 billion in aid.

The CNN/SSRS poll showed that a narrow majority – 55% of Americans – oppose Congress sending more cash to Ukraine, and that half of Americans think the US has already “done enough” to help the country fend off Russian aggression. In the days right after Russia’s February 2022 invasion, by comparison, nearly two-thirds of Americans favored giving more help to Ukraine.

The near 50-50 split in responses falls down partisan lines, with about 60% of Republicans seeing US support as sufficient, while a similar cut of Democrats believe Washington should still do more. A majority of Independents tended toward the Republican view.

Still, when asked separately what kind of assistance the US should provide to Ukraine, two-thirds of Americans favored intelligence support and a slim majority preferred training Ukrainian troops. Only 43% supported more weapons for Kyiv.

These numbers, coupled with grim accounts of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, could complicate President Joe Biden’s ability to push Congress to approve more aid, especially since the poll also reported that 53% of Americans disapprove of how Biden has handled the war.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!