White House cocaine story swept under the rug

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The public has a right to know details about the bag of cocaine found in the White House on July 2. It should not be a closed case, even though the Secret Service claims it can’t identify the culprit. The claim is on its face nonsense. Can there be any corner of the White House that is not monitored, and if so, why?

Congress and the Justice Department should investigate not primarily to embarrass the cocaine handler but because significant security issues are at stake.

Soldier of Fortune magazine has reported that unimpeachable sources say Secret Service denials are false, that the agency has told President Joe Biden the identity of the person who brought the bag into the White House, and that fingerprints on the bag were those of “someone in the Biden family orbit,” although not the president’s wayward son, Hunter.

A healthy skepticism of “official” stories concerning the Bidens is reasonable considering how often law enforcement and other security personnel have promulgated exculpatory accounts about the family that proved untrue.

Read more at Washingtonexaminer.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!