Another ‘Object’ shot down by US F-22 Jet

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The unidentified “objects” the U.S. shot down over Canada and Alaska are were both believed to be balloons carrying a payload, a senior U.S. official confirmed to Fox News on Sunday.

Details regarding the over Canada object were scarce throughout the weekend, but U.S. officials now describe it as a “small metallic balloon with a tethered payload,” the official told Fox. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also said he received a briefing on the issue Sunday and was told that the device over Alaska was also believed to be a balloon.

The devices were “much smaller” than the Chinese spy craft shot down last week, however, Schumer told ABC’s This Week.

President Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ordered the objects shot down on Saturday.

U.S. and allied forces had been tracking the device over Canada for more than a day by the time it was shot down.

The U.S. and Canada still say the craft’s origin is unknown, attempts to recover debris from the vehicle are underway.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!