Biden & Harris constantly lie on crime statistics

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The FBI discreetly revised the reported violent crime rate in 2022, showing an increase rather than the purported decrease in crime that was widely touted by the Biden administration and reported by the media.

When it comes to statistics that may allow voters to assess the Biden Administration’s performance, its math does not always add up. Revised crime statistics are just one example.

The administration has also faced scrutiny for making significant adjustments to job numbers post release, often revising them down after the news cycle has moved on. Biden’s Homeland Security Department has also faced accusations that it is admitting thousands of “inadmissible” aliens at the border to paper over scope of the immigration crisis.

“Why don’t Americans trust the government anymore?” Senator Roger Marshall, R-Kans., asked in an episode of “Just the News, No Noise” set to air Thursday.

“They overstate the job numbers. They understate the crime numbers. They throw lawfare at President Trump,” Marshall said. “This is why Americans don’t trust the government anymore.”

When the FBI published its September press release with the new 2023 crime data, the bureau failed to mention revisions to the 2022 numbers which showed that the claimed 2.1% decrease in the violent crime rate that year was actually a 4.5% increase, according to an analysis by the Crime Prevention Research Center last week and first reported by RealClearInvestigations Wednesday.

It does not appear the FBI publicly announced the revisions to the 2022 data and RCI only discovered the adjustments after investigating a single footnote in the 2023 report from the Uniform Crime Reporting Program, which provides a overview of crime data across the country based on data submitted by various law enforcement agencies.

“I wish they were transparent. Look, the thing that makes this look worse is that if you look at their press release for the data that they put out last month, there’s no mention about updating or changing the earlier data in the report itself on crime, they have one footnote buried in in the report that says, you know, by the way, we updated data for 2022 but no mention that it went from being negative to positive,” President of the Crime Prevention Research Center Dr. John Lott told the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show.

“You know, maybe they’re just embarrassed that they made some mistake. I suppose that’s possible. Maybe it’s the politics,” he added.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!