Biden poll numbers compared to the Titanic

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Joe Biden is more unpopular than Donald Trump was at the same stage in his presidency, according to a comparison of polling data conducted by political analytics website FiveThirtyEight.

The website gave Biden a net approval rating of -14.6 percent on June 11, notably lower than the -10.9 percent Trump recorded the same number of days into his administration.

Polling indicates Biden and Trump are the frontrunners to represent their respective parties at the 2024 presidential election, potentially setting up a re-run of the 2020 contest. The latest data gives a much needed boost to Trump’s campaign, after the former president was indicted in both New York and Florida on unrelated cases, but will cause alarm among Democratic strategists.

The FiveThirtyEight study also shows Biden is less popular following 874 days in the White House than all other post-war U.S. presidents, with the sole exception of Jimmy Carter. Just 41 percent of voters approve of the incumbent’s performance at this stage in the electoral cycle, versus 42.3 percent for President Trump

Former Clinton pollster Mark Penn told Fox News of the same poll that “with numbers like this, they’re looking at a potential Titanic at this point unless it changes.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!