Canada / Trudeau tighten immigration policy

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced a significant rollback of Canada’s migrant worker program.

This decision has been spurred by rising domestic backlash and intense pressure from the United States to curb the flow of migrant workers crossing the border. This initiative represents a notable shift within Trudeau’s previous administration, which often portrayed Canada as a welcoming haven for migrants. The Financial Times reports that this change comes as US officials have expressed concerns about the influx of migrants into Canada, prompting a reexamination of one of the most permissive immigration policies worldwide.

Trudeau’s decision to reduce the number of low-wage migrant workers that Canadian companies can hire by 10%-20% has drawn sharp criticism from various quarters. Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre has emerged as a prominent critic, accusing Trudeau of weakening Canada’s immigration framework and advocating for population growth to be capped. In the wake of this announcement, business leaders have raised alarms about potential labour shortages, arguing that the program has been integral to Canada’s post-pandemic economic recovery.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!