Pentagon Chief Publicly Voices Disagreement With Trump Over Use Of Force

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Wednesday he does not support invoking a law that would allow President Trump to use the U.S. military for domestic law enforcement amid nationwide protests surrounding the death of George Floyd. Esper’s remarks represent a break with the president, who has threatened to deploy active-duty troops to quash protests if […]

Trump Pulling Republican Convention From North Carolina

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he will seek another state to host the Republican National Convention because North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, had refused to guarantee that coronavirus restrictions wouldn’t affect the party’s nominating convention. “Governor Cooper is still in Shelter-in-Place Mode, and not allowing us to occupy the arena as originally […]


White House Refuses To Issue Economic Forecast

The White House will not release an updated round of economic projections this summer, breaking from precedent as the U.S. faces its deepest downturn since the Great Depression, two administration officials familiar with the decision confirmed to The Hill on Thursday. The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), the internal White House economic team, will not […]

NBC News

Trump Calls Sessions Mentally Unqualified To Be Attorney General

President Trump said in a new interview that Jeff Sessions wasn’t “mentally qualified” to be attorney general, and was a “disaster” while in office. The president told Sharyl Attkisson that Sessions “should have never” held the position. “He’s not mentally qualified to be attorney general,” Trump said during the “Full Measure” interview, which aired on […]

NBC News

Trump Goes On Offensive Against China

As the Trump administration seeks ways to penalize China for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, it need look no further than Tennessee. The Lewisburg, Tennessee-based American Bondholder Foundation holds $1.6 trillion of century-old Chinese debt, including interest, dating to before the founding of the communist People’s Republic of China, that it wants the administration’s […]

Trump To Force Obama To Testify?

President Trump on Thursday pressed Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham to call former President Barack Obama to testify amid new developments surrounding the origins of the Russia investigation and efforts at the time to “unmask” Michael Flynn’s name in intelligence reports. “If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call […]

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Trump Criticizes Fauci’s Comments As Unacceptable

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Wednesday criticized comments Dr. Anthony Fauci made during a Tuesday congressional hearing about the risks of reopening the country too soon as “not an acceptable answer.” “I was surprised by his answer actually because, you know, to me it’s not an acceptable answer especially when it comes to schools,” […]

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Trump Caves To Critics

President Trump on Wednesday said he backed off plans to dissolve the White House coronavirus task force after public outcry, saying he didn’t realize how “popular” the group of medical experts and government leaders was. “I thought we could wind it down sooner,” Trump told reporters during an Oval Office event recognizing National Nurses Day. […]