Getty Images

Trump Says A Second Phone Call Transcript Will Be Released

President Trump tore into House Democrats’ ongoing impeachment inquiry Wednesday during a press conference with Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, decrying the hearsay-laden “witch hunt” and saying he hadn’t watched that day’s public hearing “for one minute.” “This is a sham, and shouldn’t be allowed — it was a situation that as caused by people […]

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Trump Braces For First Public Impeachment Hearings

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has long criticized Democrats for conducting the impeachment inquiry behind closed doors. This week, he and his advisers are bracing for impact as those doors are thrown open and the cameras roll on the first public presidential impeachment hearings in over 20 years. As the hearings on Wednesday have approached, […]

Getty Images

Trump Threatens To Sue Adam Schiff For Fraud

President Donald Trump spent early Friday evening denouncing the “impeachment scam” by Democrats and said his lawyers should sue the Democrats and “Shifty Adam Schiff” for fraud. The president, through tweets, said he had a “perfect Ukrainian call” and that Democrats not wanting Whistleblower testimony anymore furthers what he calls a “witch hunt.” The president […]

Getty Images

Poll: Does Mulvaney’s Admission Of Trump Guilt Change Your Opinion On Impeachment?

Mick Mulvaney’s week went from bad to worse on Sunday, as he again tried to explain why President Donald Trump and the administration had withheld aid to Ukraine for weeks — one of Democrats’ central questions in their impeachment inquiry. Mulvaney fumbled during an interview on “Fox News Sunday” when he cited two reasons for […]

Getty Images

White House Admits It Held Aid To Ukraine For Personal Political Reasons

Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney has a message for those concerned that President Donald Trump held up military aid to Ukraine until it moved to investigate a conspiracy involving the 2016 U.S election — “Get over it.” Speaking with reporters Thursday at the White House, Mulvaney acknowledged Trump held up Ukraine aid […]

Associated Press

State Department Blocks Ambassador From Testifying

Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, was directed by the State Department not to appear Tuesday for a scheduled interview with House committees leading the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Sondland, a Trump political appointee, has emerged as a central player in Trump’s bid to persuade Ukraine’s new government to commit […]

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

As Evidence Mounts, White House Says It Will Not Cooperate

The White House outlined in a defiant eight-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats on Tuesday why it will not participate in their “illegitimate and unconstitutional” impeachment inquiry, charging that the proceedings have run roughshod over congressional norms and the president’s due-process rights. Trump administration officials called the letter, which was written […]