Joshua Lott, Getty Images

Republican Questions Whether Society Would “Exist Without Rape/Incest”

Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, questioned Wednesday whether humanity would exist if not for the rapes and incest that happened throughout history. “What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled those people out that were products of rape and incest?” he said at a speech in Urbandale, Iowa. “Would there be […]

J. Scott Applewhite / AP

Moscow Mitch Label Infuriates Senator McConnell

Mitch McConnell’s foot-stomping screed on the Senate floor over the nickname “Moscow Mitch” caused the tag to trend Tuesday on Twitter. The Senate Majority Leader slammed attacks against him as “modern-day McCarthyism” after MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, gave McConnell the pet name for blocking two election security measures late last week. Scarborough initially sparked the […]

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Mueller Testimony To Be Delayed One Week

Former special counsel Robert Mueller’s highly anticipated congressional testimony about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election has been delayed by one week, according to a press release issued Friday evening. Mueller will now appear before the House Judiciary Committee and House Intelligence Committee on July 24 for two separate hearings. The testimony […]


Mueller Will Testify Before The American Public On July 17th

Special counsel Robert Mueller will publicly testify in front of the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees on July 17 following a subpoena, the panels’ chairmen said Tuesday. “Pursuant to subpoenas issued by the House Judiciary and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence tonight, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III has agreed to testify before both […]