Dr. Jack Gilbert wants to make our hospitals dirty. His idea runs counter to hundreds of years of scientific practice. Since a surgeon named Joseph Lister became the first to use antiseptic techniques in 1867 and save thousands of lives, modern medicine has worked tirelessly to create sterile medical environments — free of micro-organisms. It […]
Category: Health
Athlete becomes legal marijuana grower
FORT COLLINS, Colo. — If college athletes want to use marijuana, the NCAA likely won’t catch them, and Treyous Jarrells is proof of that. He says he was high in almost every game he played. Now he has given up his dream of a football career for one that’s very different: He has one of 102,620 medical marijuana licenses […]
Web giant Amazon targets sick and vulnerable by pedalling bogus ‘miracle cancer cures’
A Sun investigation has found the company misleading customers on a number of products which supposedly cure Autism, HIV and cancer WEB giant Amazon is today accused of endangering the sick and vulnerable and illegally peddling bogus snake-oil “cures” for cancer. A Sun investigation has also found other dangerously misleading products for sale on the […]
Junction Point closed, Spector leaving Disney
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam ante nulla, pretium ut pharetra ac.
Rockstar finds the idea of a sci-fi GTA
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ornare lectus et sapien cursus ornare. Integer.
EA joins group opposing Defense of Marriage Act
Praesent ac tortor at elit lacinia feugiat. Sed gravida ullamcorper elit, non volutpat arcu blandit ac.
Apple reveals $800 128GB iPad
Nulla in posuere diam. Nam dictum ipsum sed lectus tristique pretium. Suspendisse congue, neque at aliquam cursus.
Epic Mickey studio in trouble?
Vivamus vel vulputate dolor. Praesent accumsan dapibus dictum. Vivamus euismod euismod sem quis rutrum. Pellentesque.
Why Tomb Raider skipped Wii U
Aenean quis elit mattis nisi rhoncus luctus. Aenean sapien augue, venenatis ut euismod non, blandit at quam. Nam lorem.
BioWare cofounder talks leaving Mass Effect for beer
Donec eget nisi ligula. Aenean sagittis pellentesque pretium. Sed scelerisque auctor arcu, vitae aliquam mi.
Industry has profited at expense of children, says CA senator
Morbi suscipit faucibus aliquet. Donec lacinia turpis et libero tempor non luctus ipsum lobortis. Sed massa mauris, auctor eget.
Mass Effect 3 DLC teased?
Sed tortor ante, egestas sed pharetra ac, semper eget elit. Mauris bibendum dolor ut sapien pretium varius. Etiam mollis elementum.