Cover up of Audrey Hale Manifesto is Hypocrisy

Houston Cofield
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Reports of Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale’s manifesto have already got the activist left circling the wagons.

Progressives, including plenty in the press, pretend that the real victims of Hale’s killing spree are somehow trans people in general — not the one man, two women and three children killed in cold blood — and that to protect them, the shooter’s words must be hidden.

“The contents don’t change the outcome of the tragedy,” said a flack for LGBTQ advocacy group PFLAG.

This is hypocrisy.

We don’t yet know to what extent Hale’s gender identity played a role in her mass murder spree.

But we do know demands to sit on Hale’s words amount to a coverup, pure and simple.

If Hale were a right-wing militia member, fundamentalist Christian or an “incel,” her identity would be front and center of a million think-pieces blaming her whiteness, maleness or expressed beliefs for the massacre.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!