Democrats push for migrant voting rights

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House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil (R-Wis.) said Wednesday that Washington, D.C., is the Democrats’ “petri dish” for getting “non-citizens to vote in our elections.”

Steil told the “John Solomon Reports” podcast that the nation’s capital is using taxpayer funds “to actually encourage non-citizens to vote.”

He explained that postcards are being sent to get “non-citizens to participate in the upcoming Washington, D.C., elections.”

“This is what the left wants to do. They’re using Washington, D.C. — a Democratic-run city — as their petri dish to simply try to get non-citizens to vote in our elections,” Steil said. “What I’m working to do is to prevent non-citizens from voting in our elections, to say that U.S. elections should be for U.S. citizens.”

“We’ve seen the Democrats test out their model here in our nation’s capital,” he added, and “non-citizens on the voter rolls in states like Pennsylvania, states like Ohio.”

“Now is the time to act to make sure that we’re preventing non-citizens from voting, in particular, in this upcoming presidential election in November,” Steil continued.

In March, a federal judge dismissed a legal challenge to a 2022 Washington, D.C., law permitting non-citizens to vote in local elections.

Earlier this month, Steil sent a letter to the D.C. Board of Elections, asking, “how will elections workers differentiate between those qualified to vote in federal elections and those who are not?”

Steil added Wednesday that his office has been “stonewalled by the D.C. Board of Elections” on his “request for information about how they’re going to prevent non-citizens from voting in federal elections.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!