Govt’s new gender pronoun policy “Orwellian’

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The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has rolled out a new gender pronoun policy that one Heritage Foundation expert and former HHS official says violates employee rights and will result in firings for “misgendering.”

“All employees should be addressed [by] the names and pronouns they use to describe themselves,” the email to HHS employees stated as part of its push for “Gender Identity and Non-Discrimination Guidance” that it says protects “employee rights and protections related to gender identity.”

“This practice also creates an inclusive work environment where all applicants and employees are treated with dignity. The isolated and inadvertent use of an incorrect name or pronoun will generally not constitute unlawful harassment, but, as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has explained, continued intentional use of an incorrect name or pronoun (or both) could, in certain circumstances, contribute to an unlawful hostile work environment.”

n an unlisted YouTube video linked in the email to HHS employees last week that features Assistant HHS Secretary Rachel Levine, who identifies as transgender, says “who you know yourself to be is valid.”

Severino explained to Fox News Digital that the “Orwellian” policy means that “misgendering” someone would qualify as violating anti-discrimination law which “gets you fired.”

The video also states that employees “can wear clothing” and “use restrooms” based on what gender they identify as.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!