Hallie Biden says “she panicked” after finding Hunter’s gun

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Hallie Biden the widow of Beau Biden, Hunter’s older brother testified Thursday in Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial that she was “panicking” when she found and later discarded the firearm at the center of the case, and said it was through Hunter that she later was introduced to crack cocaine.

Hallie Biden is considered to be the prosecution’s star witness, and her appearance on the stand followed Gordon Cleveland, who testified Wednesday that he sold Hunter Biden the firearm. Prosecutors have granted her immunity for her testimony. 

Hallie Biden told the court she found the firearm when she was clearing out his car, which she often searched for drugs and alcohol. Prosecutors introduced parking lot surveillance footage that showed her driving into a grocery store parking lot and throwing the gun away in a dumpster, followed by parking lot video of her that showed her returning to the grocery store to search for the gun. 

“I panicked,” Hallie Biden said. “I wanted to get rid of them,” she said, in reference to the gun and the bullets.  

“I didn’t want him to hurt himself or the kids to find it and hurt themselves,” she said, adding that she considered hiding the gun but she was “afraid one of my children would find it.”

Read more at CBS news.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!