Harris says she is prepared to take over as Pres

CBS news
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Vice President Kamala Harris told CBS News that she and President Biden will secure a second term in office, even amid Republican criticism and concerns among some Democrats about the president’s age.

“We will win reelection. There’s too much at stake and the American people know it,” Harris told CBS News “Face the Nation” moderator and chief foreign affairs correspondent Margaret Brennan.

With Harris being 58 and Biden seeking to win next year’s election just before he turns 82, Harris said she is ready to assume the role of commander in chief “if necessary,” but believes Biden “is going to be fine.”

“I work with Joe Biden every day,” she said. “The work that under Joe Biden’s leadership our administration has accomplished is transformative. I think the American people, most of all, want a leader who actually gets things done.”

Read more at CBSnews.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!