Kamala says she will shoot any home invaders

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At a campaign event with Oprah Winfrey, Vice President Kamala Harris repeated that she is a gun owner and tried to convince voters she has flip-flopped on a gun confiscation plan with a new anecdote.

Winfrey hosted a livestreamed town hall filled with celebrities from Michigan with Harris. There, Winfrey told her she was surprised to learn Harris was a gun owner during the presidential debate earlier this month.

“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” Harris responded. “Probably should not have said that. My staff will deal with that later.”

She made the comment during a discussion about gun control, in which Harris said she supports stronger background checks and reinstating a federal ban on “assault weapons.”

“Here’s my point, Oprah. I’m not trying to take everyone’s guns away. I believe in the Second Amendment,” Harris said. “These are just common sense.”

Read more at Washingtonexaminer.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!