NY Illegals get more $ for food than employed

New York Post
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New York City Republican Councilwoman Vickie Paladino claimed this week that migrants in the state are receiving more money for food than one of her employees.

While appearing on CBS New York’s The Point with Marcia Kramer, Paladino spoke about a new program to provide migrants in the city with prepaid debit cards. The New York Times reported that the cards will be loaded with around $350 a week for a family of four.

When asked about the debit cards, Paladino said, “I got a woman who works in my office, single mom, two kids. She doesn’t even have $350 a week to spend on food, period.”

In February, the Associated Press reported that a spokesperson for New York City Mayor Eric Adams confirmed that officials were launching a pilot program to provide prepaid debit cards to migrants in the city. The spokesperson told the AP that the cards would be used for food and baby supplies, and the goal is to cut costs for migrants living in the city.

Read more at Newsweek.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!