Restaurant’s now adding “Appreciation Fee” to bills

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Awoman has turned to internet viewers to frustration after dining out and receiving an unexpected fee on the check.

The September 3 post, which features a photo of a 30-year-old woman’s bill, has racked up 11,000 upvotes. The bill shows three breakfast items from Paperboy restaurant in Austin, Texas, along with some drinks, totaling $64.75. However, a ‘kitchen appreciation’ tip of 3 percent was added without her consent, bringing the bill to $66.69 before tax.

Unlike a service fee, this extra charge is typically allocated to the back-of-house kitchen staff. The 30-year-old told Newsweek: “I feel the fee is just a way to hide the true price of each item. Kitchen labor at a fair wage should be included in the price of $20 chicken and biscuit.”

The woman, who goes by u/Existing_Art8081 online, said that she rarely dines out due to inflation, and she isn’t alone. Earlier this year in February, SWNS Media Group shared a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of The Habit Burger, that revealed 67 percent of 2,000 participants were stressed about money and 39 percent have decreased their dining-out budget over the past year in response. This is because restaurant prices have increased which affects 78 percent of respondents, including the Reddit user.

She told Newsweek: “We were saving up for a nice breakfast because we have not gone out in a long time because everything is so expensive now.

“When we got the check; we didn’t want to pay the fee but were too embarrassed to question it to the staff’s face.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!