Doctors Starting To Understand Long Term Effects On Covid Survivors

Nearly a year into the global coronavirus pandemic, scientists, doctors and patients are beginning to unlock a puzzling phenomenon: For many patients, including young ones who never required hospitalization, Covid-19 has a devastating second act. Many are dealing with symptoms weeks or months after they were expected to recover, often with puzzling new complications that […]

9 Out Of 10 Republicans Say Trump Handled His Diagnosis Correctly

A large majority of Republicans approve of President Trump’s handling of his own coronavirus diagnosis even as Democrats and independents thought it was irresponsible, according to a SurveyMonkey poll for Axios. The survey found 73 percent of Democrats and 58 percent of independents believed Trump’s handling of his diagnosis was irresponsible, compared to 88 percent […]

Trump Tests Positive For Covid-19, Will Quarantine With FLOTUS

News that President Trump has tested positive for the coronavirus shook Washington and resonated around the world on Friday, provoking concern about the president’s health and raising questions about the continuity of government with the 2020 election only one month away. White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said the president is experiencing “mild symptoms” […]

Biden Tests Negative For Covid After Sharing Stage With Trump

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden have tested negative for COVID-19, his doctor confirmed on Friday. “Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 today and COVID-19 was not detected,” said Kevin O’Connor, Biden’s primary care physician, in a statement. Biden also tweeted confirmation that he […]