Americans for prosperity

WH says ‘Bidenomics’ a success; Americans don’t

The White House has long touted its “Bidenomics” initiatives to restore American economic prosperity and highlighted the improvement of key topline indicators to claim its efforts have been successful. Administration officials have pointed to an array of data, including the major stock indices, the jobs reports, and inflation rates, as evidence of an improving economic […]


Biden can no longer lie about failing economy

Last Thursday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis released its advance estimate for 2024’s first-quarter real GDP growth. At 1.6 percent, it is the worst quarterly performance since the economy contracted by 0.6 percent almost two years ago in the second quarter of 2022. This was a growth level one-third below economists’ expectations of 2.4 percent. […]


Is inflation ever going away?

The government announced Wednesday morning that inflation rose 0.4% in March, part of a 3.5% increase on an annual basis. The rise, which clearly means that inflation is not subsiding, took some big media outlets by surprise. The New York Times said the increase in prices was “unexpectedly sharp.” The Washington Post called it “hotter […]

Jerod Harris/Getty Images

California’s economy is a “Hot Mess”

California’s economy has been increasingly struggling over the past several years as regulations, high taxes and poor governance have dampened business opportunities and sent citizens running, according to experts who spoke to the Daily Caller News Foundation. The unemployment rate in California jumped to 5.3% in February, the highest out of any state and Washington, […]