Ever wonder where April Fools’ Day came from? Well, surprise! The joke’s on you. Nobody seems to know its true origins. Historians do have some clues, though. For one thing, we do know that April Fools’ Day customs date back to at least Renaissance Europe, but it’s likely the tradition originated long before then. Some […]
Tag: history
Robert E. Lee Statue To Be Removed From Public View
The city of Charlottesville, Va., on Friday said it plans to remove two bronze statues of Confederate generals on Saturday, including one of Robert E. Lee that was the site of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in 2017. A second statue — of Confederate Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson — will also be removed, […]
City of Norman to honor LGBT history month
A tearful Norman Mayor Lynne Miller proclaimed October 2016 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History Month in Norman during Tuesday’s city council meeting. It was a landmark moment on the heels of a hostile history that, for a time, looked like it would repeat itself. Anger simmered on social media this week, threatening to […]
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