Biden ripped by Hispanic voters over immigration, economy: ‘Latino values are Republican values’

Talks of November’s midterms plague the political realm as President Joe Biden’s poll numbers continue to slip among key demographics – including Latinos and young Americans. While the partisan blame for an escalating border crisis, soaring inflation and a siege against family values raged on, “Fox & Friends Weekend” co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy sat down with […]

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaste

Only 7 months to mid-terms; Biden’s poll woes worsen

President Joe Biden’s polling continues its downward spiral, matching the lowest approval rating of his administration this week, just seven months before the 2022 midterm elections. And the White House’s inability to stem Biden’s bloodletting will have down-ballot implications for Democrats in November, potentially kneecapping the president during the second half of his term. Only […]


If Republicans retake Congress , Pelosi says she ‘fears for democracy’

The Democratic speaker of the US House, Nancy Pelosi, said she “fears for democracy” if Republicans retake the chamber in November. “It is absolutely essential for our democracy that we win,” Pelosi said in an interview during the 2022 Toner Prizes for political journalism on Monday night. “I fear for our democracy if the Republicans […]

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