Top Dem Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Female Aide

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A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo is accusing the embattled New York leader of sexually harassing her — including unwanted kissing and touching — and says his top female staffers “normalized” the behavior.

Lindsey Boylan, the former deputy secretary for economic development and special adviser to the governor, said Cuomo constantly sought her out and had staffers arrange meetings with her, where he made inappropriate comments.

“Let’s play strip poker,” Boylan said Cuomo remarked on a flight from an event in October 2017, according to an essay she wrote on Medium published Wednesday.

A statement from Cuomo’s office on Wednesday denied the claims.

“As we said before, Ms. Boylan’s claims of inappropriate behavior are quite simply false,” press secretary Caitlin Girouard said.



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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!