Trump says abortion should be left up to States

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Former President Donald Trump declined to endorse a nationwide abortion ban and said abortion policy should be left up to the states.

“My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In this case, the law of the state,” Trump said in a video posted on Truth, his social media platform.

The move comes as an increasing number of Republican-led states have worked to restrict abortion rights. Last week, the Florida Supreme Court allowed the state’s six-week ban on abortion to go into effect May 1; that’s before most women know they’re pregnant.

Pressure mounted on Trump to make his own views on abortion public. He said last week an announcement would come this week. The announcement is unlikely to make the most ardent supporters of abortion restrictions happy. They had hoped Trump would support a 15-week ban on abortions nationwide.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!