What is a ‘Lazy Girl Job’?

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A new workplace term is going viral on social media to describe jobs that allow young professionals to achieve the elusive goal of work-life balance: the “lazy girl job.”

A number of Generation Z TikTok users are promoting this new approach to work, which bucks the trend of the United States’ always-on, hustle culture that can lead to young people feeling they must be chained to their desks in order to succeed in their careers.

Members of Gen Z, the oldest of whom are now in their early- to mid-20s and are entering the workforce, came up with the lazy girl label themselves and are wearing it proudly. In fact, the hashtag has nearly 18 million views on the social media platform. Younger workers may be disillusioned by older generations’ insistence that overworking is the way to get ahead, experts said.

“[T]hey’re not convinced that buying into the system is going to get them anywhere,” noted Suzy Welch, a professor of management practice at NYU’s Stern School of Business and a senior adviser to corporations at Brunswick Group, an advisory firm, told CBS MoneyWatch.

She added, “They’re saying, ‘I’m not going to wait for my work-life balance and postpone my joy. I don’t know that if I play by the rules I’m going to win the game.'”

Read more at CBSnews.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!