Americans abandoning Gas Grills this Summer

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Americans binged on grills during the pandemic, but the barbecue industry now faces a number of threats, including high meat prices and interest rates on top of economic uncertainty. Many feel no need to upgrade fairly recent purchases.

Market leaders like higher-end grill manufacturer Traeger, once a pandemic darling, reported its latest quarter’s grill sales were $76.8 million — a plunge from the $156.1 million the company raked in during the second quarter of 2021.

Best-selling grill brand Weber has also seen unit shares decline since 2020, according to data from Traqline. (Weber did not respond to CNN’s request for comment.) Home Depot also reported pressure in more expensive patio and garden equipment, including grills, during its first quarter in May, part of a larger dip in sales and earnings.

And it’s not just the big brands. Local stores that sell grills and other backyard cooking gear similarly reported demand dropping.

“It’s trending down,” said Brian Bushfield, general manager at West Coast BBQ Shop in San Diego, California. He noted a sluggish start to June and a slow Memorial Day, despite the holiday being one of the most popular occasions to purchase new grills.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!