Biggest worker strike in history could be July 31

Int. Brotherhood of teamsters
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As UPS and the Teamsters inch closer to a deadline that could result in a massive strike, President Joe Biden may be forced into another politically tough call on whether to intervene.

UPS worker contracts are set to expire on July 31, and failure to reach an agreement could result in what would be the biggest worker strike for a single employer in U.S. history. If the worst occurs, Biden could decide to use federal law to intervene, although it would be a difficult choice for a man who has cast himself as the country’s most union-friendly president.

The showdown between UPS and the Teamsters, who represent more than 340,000 workers, has been months in the making. The union voted by a 97% margin to go on strike should an agreement not be reached in time, although neither side is eager for such a seismic event to occur.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!