Can Joe Biden overcome his age problem?

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Time waits for no man, the saying goes – and for 80-year-old Joe Biden, that could be a problem. Can the US president convince voters that his age is not an issue?

Mr Biden announced on Tuesday that he wants to serve another four years in the White House. Americans, according to a recent NBC News poll, aren’t so sure.

The survey shows that 70% of Americans – and 51% of Democrats – think he shouldn’t seek re-election. And it identifies one major concern for about half of those who want him to stand aside in 2024: his age.

Mr Biden is already the oldest president in US history. If he were to win re-election, he would be inaugurated at age 82 and finish his second four-year term at 86. According to US government actuarial tables, the average life expectancy for an 82-year-old man is 6.77 years, with an 8% chance of death within the next 12 months.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!