Will debt limit plan pass Congress this week?

Anna Moneymaker
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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his top allies have reversed course and changed their bill for raising the nation’s borrowing limit – and agreed to make two major changes overnight in a bid to pass the package Wednesday in their standoff with the White House.

It’s not clear if even those changes will yield enough support to pass the bill, as House Speaker McCarthy can only lose four votes in the narrowly divided House. Yet, after days of proclaiming that the bill was final and that no changes would be made, leadership caved realizing that without some of these tweaks, the bill didn’t have a chance of passing.

Republicans agreed to allow proposed work requirements for Medicaid beneficiaries to be implemented on a quicker timetable – a move intended to win over GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida and others who had warned they would vote against the bill without such changes.

Read more at CNN.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!