American majority say things are ‘Out of Control’

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For years now, Americans have said things in the country aren’t going well.

And there’s still a large majority describing things in the country as “out of control” — that hasn’t abated in recent months.

It’s not an easy environment for any president launching a reelection bid.

So, we asked people why they felt that way — and whether it’s directly connected to President Joe Biden or not.

They said there are bigger factors: like the economy (financial insecurity can certainly make people feel less in control) and the general state of U.S. politics, and even U.S. culture and values. Those views cut across party lines.

Beyond that, though, Republicans and most independents who think things are “out of control” also point to Mr. Biden, in particular.

Presidents are often tied to larger evaluations of the country, for better or worse, and so, here, Mr. Biden is no exception.

And then each partisan side blames the other.



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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!