Can you afford to grill on the July 4th holiday?

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Meat prices have been sizzling hot for some time now.

Just ask John Nygren, who regularly cooks for his family of seven. He noticed the price increases last year.

“I was looking at the meat for a roast, and I noticed that three pounds of meat was all of a sudden like $18, $20. I’m just like, ‘Wow, I guess I’m not making it this week,'” said Nygren, who lives in Tacoma, Washington.

Like Nygren, many people are adjusting to high meat prices, which have risen 13% since 2021. Prices are still going up, even though not at eye-popping rates any more. According to the Wells Fargo Fourth of July Food Report, sirloin steaks cost an average of $10.75 per pound, which is up 2.9% from last year. That’s on top of the 14% increase from the year before.

Agricultural economist Michael Swanson notes that beef prices are near all-time records. “People are getting used to the new price point for steak,” he said. “It’s kind of stabilizing – not cheap, but stable.”

But, not all hope is lost for people wanting to host a July Fourth cookout this year. If you’re planning to throw some meat on the grill this weekend, here are some ways to save money in the process.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!